
Lecture 3 Matrix Multiplication and the Roofline Model

Matrix Multiplication Analysis

Alternate Data Layouts

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Actually we love this "Z" layout, for every element is adjacent to its neighbor.

The only cons is it's hard to index elements

Theory for All Layouts

Theory: Communication lower bound

Theorem (Hong & Kung, 1981):

Any reorganization of matmul (using only commutativity and associativity) has computational intensity q = \(\sqrt{M_{\text{fast}}}\), so #words moved between fast/slow memory = \(\Omega \left( \frac{n^3}{\sqrt{M_{\text{fast}}}} \right)\)

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There are still some progress with the development, but we ignore here.

Roofline Model

How fast can an algorithm go in practice?


Three pieces: 2 for machine and 1 for application

  • Arithmetic performance (flops/sec)
    • Clock Speed and Parallelism (ILP, SIMD, Multicore) are focus on this part
  • Memory bandwidth (bytes /sec)
    • Reduce Latency is focus on this part
  • Computational (Arithmetic) Intensity
    • Application Balance (between computation and communication)

Some definitions:

  1. Machine Balance: \(\frac{\text{(Peak DP Flow/s)}}{\text{(Memory Bandwidth)}}\)
  2. CI/AI: Computational / Arithmetic Intensity, \(\frac{\text{(DP Performed)}}{\text{(Data Moved)}}\)

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  1. 性能上限
    • 计算上限: 处理器的峰值计算性能(FLOPS)
    • 内存带宽上限: 系统的最大内存带宽
  2. 算术强度(Arithmetic Intensity)
    • 定义为每字节内存访问的浮点运算数量
    • 计算公式: AI = FLOPS/内存访问字节数
    • 是衡量程序计算密度的重要指标


  1. 坐标轴
    • X轴: 算术强度(FLOPS/Byte)
    • Y轴: 性能(FLOPS/s)
  2. 性能边界
    • 斜线部分: 受内存带宽限制的区域
    • 水平线部分: 受计算能力限制的区域
  3. 拐点(Ridge Point)
    • 斜线和水平线的交点
    • 表示系统在计算和内存访问之间达到平衡的点


  1. 性能瓶颈分析
    • 确定程序是计算密集型还是内存密集型
    • 识别性能优化的方向
  2. 优化指导
    • 对于内存受限的程序,需要优化内存访问模式
    • 对于计算受限的程序,需要优化计算效率