

1. 申请美国高校流程(applying for a visiting student)

  • https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/84301150
  • https://www.1point3acres.com/bbs/offer

2. 签证面试常见问答

2.1 学习方面

  • What is the name of the college or university you are planning on going to and why did you choose to go to this specific university or college?
  • 你在美国将会就读哪所大学?为什么选择这所大学?
    • I am planning to UC Berkeley in this fall semester, for its strong reputation in my study field and its diverse academic opportunities. The university's resources and faculty are distinguished all over the world and I can communicate with them face to face.
  • What is your purpose of studying in the United States?
  • 您在美国学习的目的是什么?
    • Well, as is known to all, UC Berkeley is world-famous in the field of computer science and technology. I wanna gain a valuable experience and cross-cultural perspectives that will enhance my academic and professional development.
  • To how many universities did you apply to and why?
  • 你总共申请了多少学校?为什么?
  • Did you get accepted by all of them? What are the names of the universities you got accepted to?
  • 你被哪些学校录取了?
    • I was admitted to UC Berkeley this fall, and this is my offer
  • Do you know your undergraduate Academic GPA or Percentage?
  • 你的GPA是多少?
    • Well, I take my studies very seriously. My average GPA in the past two years is “three point eight nine” and I will spare no effort to enhance my comprehensive skills in UC Berkeley.
  • Let us know more about your university: Where is it, which degree did you study or which degree are you planning on studying?
  • 请简单介绍你一下你的学校,在哪儿?你学习什么专业?
    • Sure, I am an undergraduate in Xi'an Jiaotong University, one of the best universities in China. And I major in Computer Science and Technology.
  • Tell us the name of the professors you are in contact with from the US university.
  • 你在美国学校的导师叫什么?
  • What are the reasons for you coming to study in the United States?
  • 为什么你要到美国学习?
    • Well, as is known to all, UC Berkeley is world-famous in the field of computer science and technology. I wanna gain a valuable experience and cross-cultural perspectives that will enhance my academic and professional development.
  • How long are you planning to stay in the United States?
  • 你计划在美国呆多久?
    • I will arrive in the United States in mid-August and plan to return home in mid-December of this year, for a total duration of around four months.
  • How do you know about this university?
  • 你有多了解这所学校?
    • Oh, yes! UCB is widely recognized for its distinguished faculty, diverse student body, and its contributions to various fields of study especially in Computer Science and Technology. It is regarded as one of the best universities in the world
  • Tell us more about your academic background.
  • 请给我介绍一下你的学术背景。
    • Well, I am majored in Computer Science and technology. I take my studies very seriously and my research interests are mainly about Computer Networks and Traffic Congestion.
  • Have you been to the US before?
  • 你以前去过美国吗?
    • No, but I really like to go to the United States as a visiting student so that I can gain an insight into the multiple culture and the open academic atmosphere.
  • Why not study in Canada, Australia or the UK?
  • 为什么不选择去其它国家读书呢?
    • Well, as is known to all, the United States is famous for its Cutting-edge technology and I am a big fan of this. So I would like to go to UC Berkeley to broaden my horizons and enhance my comprehensive skills
  • Why do you want to do a Master’s or Ph.D. degree?
  • 为什么想读研究生/博士呢?
  • Why don’t you want to study this major in your home country?
  • 为什么不在本国学习这个专业呢?
  • What is your intended program of study in the United States?
  • 您在美国的预期学习计划是什么?
    • Well, I would like to mainly focus on my academic courses during my visit. I would like to enhance my comprehensive skills in UCB, and here 's my study plan.
  • Have you made any arrangements for housing/accommodation in the United States?
  • 您在美国的住宿方面有做过任何安排吗?
    • Yes, I will go to US with my classmates and maybe we will live together.

2.2 经济方面

  • Who is paying for your education?
  • 谁为你付学费呢?
    • My education expenses are being covered by my parents. They have sufficient funds to sponsor my visit to the United States. And they are living in a stable and happy life in China.
  • Tell us more about your father’s/mother’s job and income and how long they have been working for the company.
  • 请给我们讲一下你父母的工作,收入以及他们为公司工作多久了?
    • My father is a manager in a financial company, and my mother works for a medical enterprise. They have sufficient funds to sponsor my visiting in the United States.
    • Here is the employment verification letters and bank statement
  • What is your sponsor’s annual income?
  • 你父母的年收入是?
  • How much does your university cost for a year?
  • 你的学费一年是?
  • Does your sponsor pay for all of it or did you also get a loan?
  • 你的父母为你付所有的学费吗?你还需要助学贷款吗?
    • Yes, of course. My education expenses are being covered by my parents. They have sufficient funds to sponsor my visiting in the United States.
  • Did you get offered a scholarship at your school?
  • 你有奖学金吗?
    • I have applied for scholarships at Berkeley, but the process is still ongoing, and I'm not certain if I will be awarded one. But I am confident that I will be a qualified candidate for this!

2.3 家庭方面

  • Do you have brothers and sisters?
  • 你有兄弟姐妹吗?
    • No, I am the only child in my family and my parents love me so much.
  • Are any of them living in the United States or do you have any other relatives who live in the United States?
  • 你有家人,亲戚住在美国吗?
    • No, I will come back to China as soon as I finish my study this fall semester
  • In which country and in which city do your parents live?
  • 你家人住在哪里?
    • They are living in Hefei, Anhui Province and they are living in comfortable and happy life.
  • As we can see you have brothers and sisters, will your parents be able to afford your education abroad in the United States?
  • 如果你有兄弟姐妹,请问你的父母可以支持你在美国的教育经费吗?
  • Do you have any relatives studying at the same university you are planning to go to?
  • 你有家人,亲戚跟你申请的美国大学是同一所学校毕业的吗?
    • No, they are mainly graduated from universities in China.

2.4 工作方面

  • If you work, why do you plan to leave your current job in order to go abroad to study?
  • 如果你已经有工作,为什么想辞职读书?

  • Please show us your CV or any other paper which shows your work experiences.

  • 请给我们看一下你的有关工作的CV
    • Sure, here is my CV.
  • Do you also have savings?
  • 你有存款吗?

  • Once you have finished your studies, do you plan to stay in the United States to work?

  • 你毕业以后打算留在美国工作吗?
    • No, I am going to finish my study in China and I wanna get a PhD in my country. After that, I am planning to work in China and maybe I will work in Internet enterprise.

2.5 其他问题

  • Why do you like the United States as a country?
  • 为什么喜欢美国呢?
  • What are your expectations after having completed your studies and returning to your country?
  • 你毕业回来以后有什么期待么?
    • I am going to finish my study in China and I wanna get a PhD in my country. After that, I am planning to work in China and maybe I will work in Internet enterprise or become a professor in a university.
  • What are your plans after graduate?
  • 毕业以后的计划是什么呢?
    • 同上
  • What are your career goals after your studies?
  • 以后的职业规划是什么呢?
    • 同上
  • Are you planning to go home during your summer vacation?
  • 暑假有计划回国吗?
  • We can see you got a scholarship, why do you think they gave it to you?
  • 你申请到了奖学金,请问为什么他们会提供给你呢?

3. 办理签证必备材料

  • 护照 : passport
  • 签证 : visa
  • I20 : I twenty
  • ds 160 : ds one hundred and sixty
  • 身份证 : ID card
  • 预约单: Appointment order
  • 原件 : original script
  • 复印件 : copy script
  • 就读证明 : statement of attendance
  • 就职证明 : employment verification letters
  • 银行流水 : bank statement
  • 存储证明 : statement of savings
  • 简历 : resume / CV
  • 学习计划 : study plan
  • 户口本 : Household register

4. 面签参考视频

5. 我的申请全过程


  • 2024.3.1 - 2024.3.14 进行UCB项目申请
  • 2024.3.15 - 2024.3.16 办理visa银行卡(中国银行visa借记卡 + 招商银行visa信用卡)
  • 2024.3.19 收到UCB的offer
  • 2024.3.20 - 2024.3.29 UCBcalnet账户创建 + UCB ISSPortal流程填写
  • 2024.4.4 - 2024.4.6 ds160 + 美签证件照 + 提交Sevis Fee
  • 2024.4.6 - 2024.4.10 申请F-1签证(appointment, 20240502, ShangHai)
  • 2024.5.1 - 2024.5.3 在上海办理签证 (passed) + 旅游
  • 2024.5.12 收到寄送回的、附有贴签的护照
  • 2024.5.13 申请流程全部结束






Some Tips:

  1. 只有签证办理人能够上楼进行办理,因此同行者(父母/同学)只能在楼下等候
  2. 办理签证准备的资料必须放在透明的文件袋里(高考用的那种就可以),不允许携带背包/帆布袋等上楼
  3. 上楼后,在面签之前时间很长,因此我选择的是: 跟旁边陌生的同学/中年成功人士 :) 小声交流(其实这种情况在面签大厅很常见,基本上就是聊聊为什么去美国、自己材料准备的怎么样...)
  4. 面签处是一个类似于银行窗口的地方,有26个窗口(没记错的话),你可以看到每个窗口的面试官是否和善 + 面签pass情况(蓝:passed 红:rejected 紫:waiting,因大使馆而异)
  5. 我当时一眼相中23、22、26三个窗口的面试官
  6. 在等候面签的地方,会有一个“领航员”,他/她会告诉你要去哪个窗口面签
  7. 如果领航员是歪果仁的话,其实比较好说话,如他分配给你的窗口不是你的“目标”,你可以说:my lucky number is XXX, may I go to XXX to get an interview?
  8. 如果领航员是Chinese的话,会比较难说话,大概率你说了幸运数字也没啥用(我就是这样... 但是比较lucky的是,我被分配到22了)
  9. 面签进行的很顺利,officer问的问题全部在我准备的范围内,因此他问了四个问题,连我准备的材料都没看,就直接给passport盖章了,还跟我说我很适合美国的生活和学术氛围... :)
  10. 出场,面签over!

2024 0513 17:06