MacOS Guide Chapter 4¶
IDE and text editor
Vim is a highly configurable text editor built to make creating and changing any kind of text very efficient. It is included as "vi" with most UNIX systems and with Apple macOS.
To install the latest version, use homebrew:
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The Ultimate vimrc¶
The Ultimate vimrc is a collection of vimrc configurations to make easy the usage of vim.
To download the The Ultimate vimrc, you need to install the git client. If you need install it, use home brew:
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Now, download the vimrc files:
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To install the complete version, run:
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To install the basic version, run:
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To update the vimrc scripts, run:
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Maximum Awesome¶
Maximum Awesome is a collection of vim configuration and plugins, like a configuration manager for the vim environment.
To install it, just make a clone of the repository with the git client:
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Then install it:
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NOTE: the rake command will install all dependencies needed
My Configuration of Vim¶
You can gain an insight into Vim Configuration in Vim-Conf @bxhu
- You can gain an insight into Vim Configuration in Neovim-Conf @bxhu
- And you can learn some details on LazyVim
Emacs is a family of text editors that are characterized by their extensibility. The manual for the most widely used variant, GNU Emacs, describes it as the extensible, customizable, self-documenting, real-time display editor.
Development of the first Emacs began in the mid-1970s, and work on its direct descendant, GNU Emacs, continues actively as of 2017.
There are many Emacs clients on macOS. The recommended version on macOS is Emacs Mac Port, but others are good as well.
Emacs Mac port (Recommended)¶
Many useful features are built with Emacs Mac Port, e.g. environment variables, full screen, visual enhancements and so on.
Link the Homebrew tap first.
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- Method 1: Install with
brew cask
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There are three available versions, emacs-mac
, emacs-mac-official-icon
, emacs-mac-spacemacs-icon
- Method 2: Install using
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Emacs plus¶
Start off by tapping the official emacs-plus cask.
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Emacs Plus contains separate formulas for different Emacs versions:
- emacs-plus - installs Emacs 26, current release version.
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- emacs-plus@27 - installs Emacs 27, next release version.
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- emacs-plus@28 - installs Emacs 28, development version.
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Click here to see available options:
Note: 1) You might want to install exec-path-from-shell if you are using Emacs plus. It takes care of your environment variables. 2) To have the title bar match your theme background color, consider using instead:
brew install emacs-plus --HEAD --with-natural-title-bars
Spacemacs is a new way to experience Emacs -- a sophisticated and polished set-up focused on ergonomics, mnemonics and consistency.
Spacemacs can be used naturally by both Emacs and Vim users -- you can even mix the two editing styles. Switching easily between input styles makes Spacemacs a great tool for pair-programming.
If you have an existing Emacs configuration, back it up first:
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cd ~ mv .emacs.d .emacs.d.bak mv .emacs .emacs.bak
Don't forget to backup and remove
file otherwise Spacemacs WILL NOT load since that file prevents Emacs from loading the proper initialization file. -
Clone the repository:
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git clone ~/.emacs.d
is the stable branch and it is immutable, DO NOT make any modification to it or you will break the update mechanism. If you want to fork Spacemacs safely use thedevelop
branch where you handle the update manually. -
(Optional) Install the Source Code Pro font.
If you are running in terminal you'll also need to change font settings of your terminal.
Launch Emacs. Spacemacs will automatically install the packages it requires. If you get an error regarding package downloads then you may try to disable the HTTPS protocol by starting Emacs with
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emacs --insecure
Or you can set the
in your dotfile to remove the need to start Emacs with--insecure
argument. You may wish to clear out your.emacs.d/elpa
directory before doing this, so that any corrupted packages you may have downloaded will be re-installed. -
Restart Emacs to complete the installation.
You can learn more on Spacemacs Tutorial Video
Visual Studio Code¶
Visual Studio Code is a lightweight code editor with support for many programming languages through extensions
To install the latest version, use Homebrew:
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macOS integration¶
Launch VS Code from the command line.
After that, you can launch VS Code from your terminal:
code .
will open VS Code in the current directorycode myfile.txt
will openmyfile.txt
in VS Code
Useful Extensions¶
Python - Python code highlighting
To enable auto-formatting on "Save", i.e.
⌘ + S
, configure the following:-
Change the default formatter to
instead ofAutopep8
. Critical to avoid large diffs. Go to Preferences -> User Settings and update the settingpython.formatter.provider
Format on Save
Setting: Editor: Format On Save setting on Code -> Preferences -> Settings
- ESLint - Useful to check JavaScript errors and helps in auto-formatting the code
- Prettier - JavaScript code formatter
- Markdown Preview - Read Markdown files in VSCode
- GitLens - Supercharge the Git capabilities built into VSCode
- Docker - Create, manage, and debug images from within VSCode
- Paste JSON as Code - Infers types from sample JSON data, then outputs strongly typed models and serializers for working with that data in your desired programming language
Live Server¶
- Live Server - Launches a local development server with live reloading for both static and dynamic
VS Code Icons¶
- vscode-icons - Adds unique icons to distinguish different file extensions (easier to glance through your directories)
Configuration of C++ and some commonly used language¶
reference - mainly copied from Yunfi's Blog
本文主要应用场景是单文件的编译。如果使用 CMake 等工具,则本文中的一部分配置并不一定兼容。
主要分为两步操作,使用 clang/lldb 编译和调试,以及使用 clangd 进行补全和检查,这两者应该是互相独立的,可以只使用其中一个,但是找到的大多数教程好像都是两个混在一起搞得。
本文的配置不使用 C/C++ 插件 和 Code Runner 插件!!请禁用或者卸载它们。由于 VSCode 和 C/C++ 插件的一些 bug,我选择绕开它们,使用 CodeLLDB 和 Clangd 来替代。
我的环境:MacOS Sequoia 15.0.1
使用 clang/lldb 进行单文件编译和调试¶
已经正确安装(通过clang++ -v
可以验证)- 对于 macOS,运行
xcode-select --install
可以安装好本文用到的所有包 - 对于 Linux,下载 llvm 包,大概率包含了本文用到的所有包
- vscode 已启用 CodeLLDB 插件(报错无法下载可以先按报错给的 url 用浏览器下载,然后手动安装)
- 对于 macOS,运行
卸载微软提供的 C/C++ 插件!!!也不要使用 Code Runner 插件。
tasks.json,放入.vscode 文件夹中
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文件夹下,如果不这么做的话,改变 3、4 步中的文件路径,以及忽略第五步
- launch.json,放入.vscode 文件夹中
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在文件夹里新建一个 .build 文件夹( macOS / Linux 必做)
按 F5,就可以编译调试了( fn + F5 )
这样的配置下,右上角不会有运行的那个小按钮。由于未知问题,这个又 C/C++ 插件提供的按钮不会同步 tasks.json 和 launch.json 中的配置,所以放弃使用了那个插件。
使用 clangd 自动补全、代码检查¶
确保已安装 clangd(应该和 clang++ 在一个包里的,通过
clangd --version
检查) -
安装 VScode 插件 clangd
,这是用来为 clangd 指定参数的,比如使用的标准或是标准库路径之类。内容就是编译选项,一行一个。这里只写了一个标准作为例子Text Only 1
一般来说 clangd 的参数是由 compile_commands.json 指定,由 CMake 等构建工具自动生成。但是由于在我的需求中对每一个文件都是相同的编译参数,所以可以手写 compile_flags.txt 统一管理。 具体查看 JSON Compilation Database Format Specification
关于 .clang-format 文件¶
我的习惯是直接放在 ~
生成的话,官方文档的那个网页实在是太丑了,我直接选择去 CLion 里配好,然后导出为 .clang-format,既可视化又方便
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macOS 无法使用集成终端调试¶
- 具体表现为在
为 false 的时候并不会像在 Windows 中一样出现一个新的集成终端用来输入,导致没有地方输入从而无法调试。 - 这种情况出现于使用了微软提供的 C/C++ 插件,并且
中 type 为 “cppdbg” 时。这是 VSCode 的 bug,微软文档提供了一种解决方案,但是实测没效果() - 解决方案一是将
设为 true,如果接受使用外部终端进行调试的话; - 解决方案二是不用微软提供的插件,而是使用
吐槽:VSCode 的 bug 还真不少,在 Windows 上外部终端用不了,Mac 上却又只能用外部终端()
VSCode 在 WSL 中无法正确联网¶
- 主要原因是 vscode 会在 wsl 中使用在 Windows 下的代理 ip+ 端口(一般是端口
), - 解决方案一:给 WSL 设置 http_proxy 和 https_proxy,把 改成局域网下 windows 的 ip
- 解决方案二:关闭系统代理,直接使用 TUN /增强模式
两个脚本,分别VSCode在 Linux 和 Windows 下的一键脚本,轻松配出环境