
Developer Tools

Here I will share some interesting CLI tools and VSC plugins to enhance coding efficiency :)

  1. iTerm2: my favourite terminal simulator on MacOS.
  2. OhMyZsh: a delightful, open source, community-driven framework for managing your Zsh configuration.
    • also, OnMyBash on windows/linux
  3. yazi: my favourite file management system.
    • I alias it to ff in ~/.zshrc for coherency
  4. LazyGit: git helper in TUI.
  5. Lazynvim: make it easy to customize and extend your config.
    • but I prefer to use my own ~/.vimrc
  6. thefuck: correct errors in previous console commands automatically.
  7. bit: help you navigate the plethora of options git provides you
  8. bat: supports syntax highlighting for file compared with cat.
  9. duf: see disk usage.
  10. zoxide: a smarter cd command.
  11. lsd: added features like colors, icons, tree-view, more formatting options compared with ls.
  12. btm: another cross-platform graphical process/system monitor.
  13. glances: an eye on your system (MacOS / Linux / Windows).
  14. glow: render markdown on the CLI.
  15. tmux-powerline: a hackable status bar consisting of dynamic & beautiful looking powerline segments.