Since LEO networks are new to us, and likely to most of the networking research community, we found it extremely useful to visualize some aspects of them, and thus build our intuitions on their expected behavior. We discuss some of the visualizations Hypatia provides. While these are best appreciated online in video and interactive Javascript [7], we include here snapshots discussing their utility.
Satellite trajectories: It is difficult to grasp the role of different satellite trajectory parameters (§2.1) without being able to visually see their outcomes. Visualizing the trajectories of satellites in a constellation also drives intuition about how satellites travel together, the differences between the multiple shells of some constellations, the density of satellites over equatorial and polar regions, etc.
Fig. 11 shows snapshots of the first shells of Starlink, Kuiper, and Telesat — S1, K1, and T1 in Table 1. A live 3D version of this figure is available online [7]; it is interactive and allows one to change the camera perspective in order to better see the spatial variations. Telesat covers the polar regions by virtue of the higher inclination of its orbits (98.98°), while Kuiper and Starlink provide denser coverage at lower latitudes. Given that a vast majority of the global population resides at lower latitudes [19], lower inclination allows satellites to spend more time over densely populated areas. These design differences may imply differences in the target markets of the constellation operators.
Besides coverage, inclination also has other implications for connectivity: Telesat’s almost north-south orbits may offer more direct paths for routes like between Europe and Africa, while the other constellations will do so for east-west routes like between North America and Europe.
We include satellite trajectory visualizations primarily for completeness: there are a variety of other beautiful visualizations of similar nature online [6, 12, 22, 30, 32]. To the best of our knowledge, no open-source visualization tools are available that focus on network behavior of LEO constellations, aspects of which we describe next.
Ground station view: For any given constellation, and a specified location, Hypatia can show how that constellation appears in the sky to a ground station. This view helps understand the role of the minimum angle of elevation, as well as the inclination of orbits. The visualizations show that close to the horizon, there are many more satellites, but the satellites a GS can communicate with, i.e., above the minimum angle of elevation, are much more limited. From high latitude cities, one can see the limits of low-inclination orbits: few satellites in such orbits are visible, with this visibility often being intermittent. The online version of this visualization [7] provides video of the ground observer’s perspective.
Fig. 12 shows two snapshots of Kuiper’s K1 seen from St. Petersburg. The azimuth along the 𝑥-axis is the panoramic view of the sky (0°is due North, 90°is due East). The 𝑦 -axis is the angle of elevation, 0°for the horizon, and 90°for directly overhead. Satellites in the shaded region are above the horizon, but still at an angle of elevation lower than the minimum needed for connectivity. Over certain periods, a GS at this location can connect to Kuiper, as in Fig. 12(a), while at other times, it looses connectivity, as in Fig. 12(b). This explains the results for Rio de Janeiro to St. Petersburg between 155-165 s in Fig. 3(a), Fig. 4(a), and Fig. 5.
图12展示了从圣彼得堡看到的Kuiper K1的两个快照。 \(x\) 轴上的方位角是天空的全景视图(0°为正北,90°为正东)。\(y\) 轴是仰角,0°表示地平线,90°表示正上方。阴影区域内的卫星在地平线上方,但仍然低于连接所需的最低仰角。在某些时间段内,位于此位置的地面站可以连接到Kuiper,如图12(a)所示,而在其他时间则失去连接,如图12(b)所示。这解释了图3(a)、图4(a)和图5中155到165秒之间从里约热内卢到圣彼得堡的结果。
End-end paths: In §4.1, we discuss RTT variations due to the LEO dynamism. To better understand these, it is useful to visualize the end-end paths at different points in time. Fig. 13 shows an example path on Starlink, Paris-Luanda, which experiences one of the highest RTT variations. The longest (117 ms) and shortest (85 ms) RTT paths during our 200 s simulation are shown. It is typical of such north-south paths to pick an orbit and stick to it as long as possible in order to reduce latency. But in the former case, exiting this orbit (at the north end of the illustrations) towards the destination takes 9 zig-zag hops, while in the latter case only 6 are needed.
Link utilization: In §5.4, we discuss how even for a static traffic matrix, LEO dynamics cause links and paths to vary in utilization over time. This is shown for one example path in Fig. 14, for the same experiment across Kuiper described in §5.4. The thicker / warmer-colored ISLs are more congested.
We can also visualize network-wide bottlenecks as shown in Fig. 15. For the particular traffic matrix we use, the ISLs over the Atlantic, connecting the US to Europe and parts of Asia, are highly congested. This indicates that there will be substantial value in using non-shortest path and multi-path routing across such busy regions.