

The MSCCLang runtime executes program by directly interpreting MSCCL-IR programs. The runtime is an extension of NCCL, and it inherits infrastructure for establishing point-to-point (P2P) connections over various inter-connects including NVLink, PCIe, shared host memory, InfiniBand (IB) and TCP. All MSCCL-IR generated by our compiler is guaranteed to be correct, but some programs might only be performant for a range of buffer sizes. Therefore, the runtime dynamically selects the right algorithm to invoke based on user configurable size ranges and falls back to NCCL’s built-in algorithms otherwise. This allows a user to hyper-optimize MSCCLang programs to a specific use case.

MSCCLang运行时通过直接解释MSCCL-IR程序来执行程序。运行时是NCCL的扩展,继承了通过各种互连(包括NVLink、PCIe、共享主机内存、InfiniBand (IB) 和 TCP)建立点对点(P2P)连接的基础设施。我们编译器生成的所有MSCCL-IR都是保证正确的,但某些程序可能仅在特定的缓冲区大小范围内具有良好的性能。因此,运行时根据用户可配置的大小范围动态选择合适的算法进行调用,否则回退到NCCL的内置算法。这样,用户可以对MSCCLang程序进行超优化,以适应特定的使用场景。

Point-to-Point Connections

Remote Buffers. NCCL abstracts different kinds of interconnects from CUDA code by providing intermediate buffers of constant size of 𝑏 bytes for sends to write to and receives to read from. These buffers are subdivided into 𝑠 FIFO slots which allows 𝑠 sends to finish without waiting for receives (1 ≤ 𝑠 ≤ 8). MSCCLang compiler prevents a schedule with more than 𝑠 outstanding sends to avoid deadlocks. By default, 512KB ≤ 𝑏 ≤ 5MB and 1 ≤ 𝑠 ≤ 8 (exact values are defined by the protocol, explained later).

远程缓冲区。NCCL通过提供大小为𝑏字节的中间缓冲区来从CUDA代码中抽象出不同类型的互连,发送操作将数据写入这些缓冲区,而接收操作从这些缓冲区读取数据。这些缓冲区被细分为𝑠个FIFO插槽,这使得𝑠次发送可以在不等待接收的情况下完成(1 ≤ 𝑠 ≤ 8)。MSCCLang编译器防止安排超过𝑠次未完成的发送操作以避免死锁。默认情况下,512KB ≤ 𝑏 ≤ 5MB,1 ≤ 𝑠 ≤ 8(具体值由协议定义,稍后会解释)。

Remote buffers are allocated on different memories depending on the inter-connection type. For NVLink or PCIe connections within a node, buffers are allocated on the receiving GPU. For cross-node IB connections, two buffers are allocated with one on the sending GPU and another on the receiving GPU. The IB driver transfers data between the buffers via GPUDirect RDMA [26], with a CPU helper thread initiating RDMA transfers. Other types of interconnects involve host memory, but we omit their description as they are not used on our evaluation systems.

远程缓冲区根据互连类型在不同的内存上分配。对于节点内的NVLink或PCIe连接,缓冲区分配在接收GPU上。对于跨节点的IB连接,分配两个缓冲区,一个在发送GPU上,另一个在接收GPU上。IB驱动程序通过GPUDirect RDMA【26】在缓冲区之间传输数据,CPU辅助线程启动RDMA传输。其他类型的互连涉及主机内存,但由于它们未在我们的评估系统中使用,所以我们省略了它们的描述。

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Channels. As explained in Section 5, each P2P connection in NCCL requires a channel, which is an internal NCCL data structure that distinguishes different P2P connections between the same pair of GPUs.


Protocols. NCCL implements three communication protocols, Simple, LL128, LL, that trade off latency and bandwidth. Simple has the highest bandwidth and latency, LL has the lowest bandwidth and latency, and LL128’s performance is in-between [27]. The protocol also defines the remote buffer size and the number of slots. The user may set a desired protocol in the DSL, which is stored in the MSCCL-IR.

协议。NCCL 实现了三种通信协议:Simple、LL128 和 LL,它们在延迟和带宽之间进行权衡。Simple 具有最高的带宽和延迟,LL 具有最低的带宽和延迟,LL128 的性能介于两者之间。协议还定义了远程缓冲区的大小和插槽的数量。用户可以在 DSL 中设置所需的协议,该协议将存储在 MSCCL-IR 中。


Initialization. In the initialization phase of the runtime, an MSCCLIR program is parsed and stored in the GPU memory. When the runtime invokes the interpreter for a given program, it concurrently launches all the required thread blocks with a cooperative kernel launch [8]. Note that all thread blocks must execute at the same time due to potential cross thread block dependencies between them. Consequently, the compiler can only generate IRs that do not have more thread blocks than the available Streaming Multiprocessors (SMs). The connections needed by the thread blocks in every program (Figure 4) are also created.

初始化。在运行时的初始化阶段,MSCCLIR 程序会被解析并存储在 GPU 内存中。当运行时调用某个程序的解释器时,它会通过协同内核启动【8】并发地启动所有所需的线程块。请注意,由于线程块之间可能存在跨线程块的依赖关系,所有线程块必须同时执行。因此,编译器只能生成不超过可用流多处理器(SM)数量的 IR。每个程序所需的线程块连接(如图 4 所示)也会被创建。

Instruction Data Structure. The execution engine for MSCCLang runtime is an efficient interpreter written in CUDA shown in Figure 5 which runs a list of instructions on each thread block. Line 1 shows the elements of an instruction: step is the instruction index in an array, opcode identifies the instruction type, srcPtr and dstPtr are the input and output pointers, and srcOff and dstOff are their corresponding offset, respectively. The pointers can be one of input, output, or scratch buffers, and offset is the chunk index into the buffer. count is the number of consecutive chunks this instruction will execute on (see aggregation in Section 2). Last arguments are for cross thread block synchronizations: depBid and depStep. These two arrays are a list of thread block IDs and instruction steps, respectively, that this instruction is dependent on. hasDep is a boolean flag indicating whether there are other instruction dependent on this instruction.


Figure 5: MSCCLIR Interpreter
struct Instruction { 
    int step, opCode, srcOff, dstOff, count; 
    void *srcPtr, *dstPtr;
    int depBid[D], depStep[D];
    bool hasDep; 
  • step: instruction index in an array
  • opcode: instruction type
  • srcPtr and dstPtr: input and output pointers
  • srcOff and dstOff: corresponding offset, respectively (offset is the chunk index into the buffer)
  • count: number of consecutive chunks this instruction will execute on
  • depBid / depStep: thread block IDs and instruction steps
  • hasDep: boolean flag indicating whether there are other instruction dependent on this instruction

Pipelining. The outer-most loop in the interpreter is the pipelining loop shown in Line 10 of Figure 5. As described in Section 6.1, the remote buffers for each P2P connection have a fixed size. Therefore, if the size of a chunk is larger than a remote buffer slot, it is split into multiple tiles such that it fits in a slot.


Rather than serially process each tile within a chunk, the interpreter pipelines execution for performance. Consider the hierarchical AllReduce in Figure 1. It starts with an intra-node ReduceScatter followed by inter-node ReduceScatter and AllGather, and ends with an intra-node AllGather. If the interpreter serially executes each chunk’s tile, the inter-node communication links are not utilized during intra-node phases and vice versa (Figure 6). Instead, the interpreter pipelines execution of the tiles by processing tile 1, then processing tile 2, etc., so that both the inter-node and intra-node links are utilized concurrently.



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Pipelining improves performance by increasing link and SM utilization in the system. Users may configure MSCCLang’s tile size for more aggressive pipelining. However, as tile sizes reduce, the performance benefit of pipelining decreases due to the increased startup cost of executing more sends.


Instruction Loop. The inner-most loop in the interpreter in Line 12 decodes instructions in the input MSCCL-IR and executes them in-order. There is a list of switch-case statements in Line 18 that decides which instructions to execute.


Cross Thread Block Synchronization. Cross thread block synchronization is not naturally supported in CUDA. However, the interpreter runs all thread blocks concurrently, which allows thread blocks to synchronize via semaphores stored in global memory. Each thread block has a semaphore (semaphore[bid]) in Figure 5 that is initialized to 0. When an instruction hasDep is set (Line 25), a CUDA __syncthreads and a __threadfence is issued to flush the caches and then the semaphore is set to the running step s (Line 27). If this instruction is dependent on instructions from other thread blocks, all semaphores for dependent thread blocks wait to be set (Line 16).


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