
Chapter8 B+ Tree Index


Since this part is of special difficulty in CMU-15445, I choose to use UCB CS186 instead.

This part is copied from UCB-CS186 notes

Here we ignored numerous process graphs which are essential for you to deeply understand the exact course, you can learn the details from here


In the previous notes, we went over different file and record representations for data storage. This week, we will introduce index which is a data structure that operates on top of the data files and helps speed up reads on a specific key.

You can think of data files as the actual content of a book and a index as the table of content for fast lookup. We use indexes to make queries run faster, especially those that are run frequently. Consider a web application that looks up the record for a user in a Users table based on the username during the login process. An index on the username column will make login faster by quickly finding the row of the user trying to log in.

In this course note, we will learn about B+ trees, which is a specific type of index.


  1. The number d is the order of a B+ tree. Each node (with the exception of the root node) must have d ≤ x ≤ 2d entries assuming no deletes happen (it’s possible for leaf nodes to end up with < d entries if you delete data). The entries within each node must be sorted.

  2. In between each entry of an inner node, there is a pointer to a child node. Since there are at most 2d entries in a node, inner nodes may have at most 2d+1 child pointers. This is also called the tree’s fanout.

  3. The keys in the children to the left of an entry must be less than the entry while the keys in the children to the right must be greater than or equal to the entry.

  4. All leaves are at the same depth and have between d and 2d entries (i.e., at least half full)

Note that the node satisfies the order requirement, also known as the occupancy invariant (d ≤ x ≤ 2d) because d=2 and this node has 3 entries which satisfies 2 ≤ x ≤ 4.

  • Because of the sorted and children property, we can traverse (横穿) the tree down to the leaf to find our desired record. This is similar to BSTs (Binary Search Trees).

  • Every root to leaf path has the same number of edges - this is the height of the tree. In this sense, B+ trees are always balanced. In other words, a B+ tree with just the root node has height 0.

  • Only the leaf nodes contain records (or pointers to records - this will be explained later). The inner nodes (which are the non-leaf nodes) do not contain the actual records.


To insert an entry into the B+ tree, follow this procedure:

  1. Find the leaf node \(L\) in which you will insert your value. You can do this by traversing down the tree. Add the key and the record to the leaf node in order.

  2. If \(L\) overflows (\(L\) has more than 2d entries)

    • Split into \(L_1\) and \(L_2\). Keep d entries in \(L_1\) (this means d+1 entries will go in \(L_2\)).
    • If \(L\) was a leaf node , COPY \(L_2\)’s first entry into the parent. If \(L\) was not a leaf node , MOVE \(L_2\)’s first entry into the parent.
    • Adjust pointers.
  3. If the parent overflows, then recurse on it by doing step 2 on the parent. (This is the only case that increases the tree height)

Parent overflows is the only case that increases the tree height


We want to COPY leaf node data into the parent so that we don’t lose the data in the leaf node.

Remember that every key that is in the table that the index is built on must be in the leaf nodes!

Being in a inner node does not mean that key is actually still in the table.

On the other hand, we can MOVE inner node data into parent nodes because the inner node does not contain the actual data, they are just a reference of which way to search when traversing the tree.

Lastly, here are a couple clarifying notes about insertion into B+ Trees:

  • Generally, B+ tree nodes have a minimum of d entries and a maximum of 2d entries. In other words, if the nodes in the tree satisfy this invariant before insertion (which they generally will), then after insertion, they will continue to satisfy it.

  • Insertion overflow of the node occurs when it contains more than 2d entries.


To delete a value, just find the appropriate leaf and delete the unwanted value from that leaf. That’s all there is to it (就是这样). (Yes, technically we could end up violating some of the invariants of a B+ tree. That’s okay because in practice we get way more insertions than deletions so something will quickly replace whatever we delete.)

Reminder: We never delete inner node keys because they are only there for search and not to hold data.

Storing Records

Up until now, we have not discussed how the records are actually stored in the leaves. Let’s take a look at that now. There are three ways of storing records in leaves:

Alternative 1: By Value

In the Alternative 1 scheme, the leaf pages are the data pages. Rather than containing pointers to records, the leaf pages contain the records themselves.

While the Alternative 1 Scheme is perhaps the easiest implementation, it has a significant limitation: if all we have is the Alternative 1 Scheme, we cannot support multiple indexes built on the same file (in the example above we cannot support a secondary index on ‘name’. Instead we would have to duplicate the file and build a new Alternative 1 index on top of that file).

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Alternative 2: By Reference

In the Alternative 2 scheme, the leaf pages hold pointers to the corresponding records.

Notation Clarification: In the diagram above, the leafs contain (Key, RecordID) pairs where the RecordID is [PageNum, RecordNum].

Indexing by reference enables us to have multiple indexes on the same file because the actual data can lie in any order on disk.

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Alternative 3: By List of References

In the Alternative 3 scheme, the leaf pages hold lists of pointers to the corresponding records. This is more compact than Alternative 2 when there are multiple records with the same leaf node entry. Each leaf now contains (Key, List of RecordID) pairs.

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Now that we’ve discussed how records are stored in the leaf nodes, we will also discuss how data on the data pages are organized. Clustered/unclustered refers to how the data pages are structured. Because the leaf pages are the actual data pages for Alternative 1 and keys are sorted on the index leaf pages, Alternative 1 indices are clustered by default. Therefore, unclustering only applies to Alternative 2 or 3.


In an unclustered index, the data pages are complete chaos. Thus, odds are that(很有可能) you’re going to have to read a separate page for each of the records you want. For instance, consider this illustration:

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In the figure above, if we want to read records with 12 and 24, then we would have to read in each of the data pages they point to in order to retrieve all the records associated with these keys.


In a clustered index, the data pages are sorted on the same index on which you’ve built your B+ tree. This does not mean that the data pages are sorted exactly, just that keys are roughly in the same order as data. The difference in I/O cost therefore comes from caching, where two records with close keys will likely be in the same page, so the second one can be read from the cached page.

Thus, you typically just need to read one page to get all the records that have a common / similar key. For instance, consider this illustration:

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In the figure above, we can read records with 7 and 12 by reading 2 pages. If we do sequential reads of the leaf node values, the data page is largely the same.

In conclusion,

  • UNCLUSTERED ~ 1 I/O per record.
  • CLUSTERED ~ 1 I/O per page of records.
Clustered vs. Unclustered Indexes

While clustered indexes can be more efficient for range searches and offer potential locality benefits during sequential disk access and prefetching, etc, they are usually more expensive to maintain than unclustered indexes.

For example, the data file can become less clustered with more insertions coming in and, therefore, require periodical sorting of the file.

Counting IO’s

Here’s the general procedure. It’s a good thing to write on your cheat sheet:

  1. Read the appropriate root-to-leaf path.

  2. Read the appropriate data page(s). If we need to read multiple pages, we will allot (分配) a read IO for each page. In addition, we account for clustering for Alt. 2 or 3 (see below.)

  3. Write data page, if you want to modify it. Again, if we want to do a write that spans multiple data pages, we will need to allot a write IO for each page.

  4. Update index page(s).

Bulk Loading

bulk 大部分; bulk-loading 批量加载

The insertion procedure we discussed before is great for making additions to an existing B+ tree. If we want to construct a B+ tree from scratch, however, we can do better.

This is because if we use the insertion procedure we would have to traverse the tree each time we want to insert something new; regular insertions into random data pages also lead to poor cache efficiency and poor utilization of the leaf pages as they are typically half-empty. Instead, we will use bulk loading (批量加载):

  1. Sort the data on the key the index will be built on.
  2. Fill leaf pages until some fill factor f. Note that fill factor only applies to leaf nodes. For inner nodes, we still follow the same rule to insert until they are full.
  3. Add a pointer from parent to leaf page. If the parent overflows, we will follow a procedure similar to insertion. We will split the parent into two nodes:
    • Keep d entries in L_1 (this means d+1 entries will go in L_2).
    • Since a parent node overflowed, we will MOVE L_2’s first entry into the parent.
  4. Adjust pointers.

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