ICS Part1¶
This list only contains "in-scope" knowledges
Representing and Manipulating Information¶
- 2.1 Information Storage
- Convertion between decimal, binary and hex values
- Byte ordering (Big endian and little endian)
- Bit-level operations (&, |, ~, ^)
- Logical operations (||, &&, !)
- Shift operations (logical shift, arithmetic shift), arithmetic right shifts for signed data
- 2.2 Integer Representations
- Unsigned encoding and signed encoding (two’s complement)
- Maximum value, minimum value
- Conversion between signed and unsigned
- Explict convertion, implict convertion
- Expanding and Truncating numbers
- From long to int
- From int to long
- Unsigned encoding and signed encoding (two’s complement)
- 2.3 Integer Arithmetic
- Unsigned/Signed addition (Overflow, underflow)
- Two’s complement negation
- Unsigned/Signed multiplication (Overflow)
- Dividing: out of scope
- 2.4: Out of Scope
Information Storage¶
- [X] Convertion between decimal(10), binary(2) and hex(16) values
Hex | Dec | Bin |
0 | 0 | 0000 |
1 | 1 | 0001 |
2 | 2 | 0010 |
3 | 3 | 0011 |
4 | 4 | 0100 |
5 | 5 | 0101 |
6 | 6 | 0110 |
7 | 7 | 0111 |
8 | 8 | 1000 |
9 | 9 | 1001 |
A | 10 | 1010 |
B | 11 | 1011 |
C | 12 | 1100 |
D | 13 | 1101 |
E | 14 | 1110 |
F | 15 | 1111 |
B->D: \(D = \Sigma_{i=-m}^{n-1}B_i*2^i\) H->D: \(D = \Sigma_{i=-m}^{n-1}H_i*16^i\) D->B: 模2取余法(整数部分) / 乘2法(小数部分) B->H / H->B: 数位扩展法
Bash | |
1 2 3 |
Bash | |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 |
- 取小数部分:只取十进制数的小数部分进行转换
- 乘以2:将小数部分乘以2
- 记录整数部分:记录乘以2后的结果的整数部分(0或1),作为二进制小数的一个位
- 更新小数部分:将结果的小数部分作为新的小数部分
- 重复步骤2-4:重复上述过程, 直到小数部分为0 或达到所需的精度
Bash | |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 |
Bash | |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 |
- [X] Byte ordering (Big endian and little endian)
"ILP32" | "LP64" | |
C Data Type | Typical 32-bit | Typical 64-bit |
char short int | 1 2 4 |
1 2 4 |
long | 4 | 8 |
float double | 4 8 |
4 8 |
pointer | 4 | 8 |
[X] Bit-level operations (&, |, ~, ^)
A&B = 1 when both A=1 and B=1
- A|B = 1 when either A=1 or B=1 or both
- ~A = 1 when A=0
- A^B = 1 when A=1 or B=1, but not both (Xor)
- View arguments as bit vectors
- Arguments applied bit-wise|
[X] Logical operations (||, &&, !)
View 0 as “False”
- __Anything nonzero as “True” __
- Always return 0 or 1
- Early termination
Watch out for && vs. & (and || vs. |)… Super common C programming pitfall
Bash | |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 |
We usually use if (p && *p)
to avoid null pointer access:
BGD: dereference operation
on a null pointer is illegal
- Step 1: Evaluate
.- If
is null (i.e.,p == NULL
), the expressionp
evaluates to false (0). - If
is non-null, the expressionp
evaluates to true (non-zero).
- If
Step 2: Short-circuit behavior.
- If
is null, the second part of the expression (*p
) is not evaluated because the result of the logical AND is already determined to be false. This avoids dereferencing a null pointer. - If
is non-null, the second part of the expression (*p
) is evaluated. Sincep
is non-null, dereferencing it (*p
) is safe in terms of avoiding null pointer dereference. However, note that the dereferenced value itself might be a consideration in the context of the specific logic (e.g., checking for a specific value or a valid memory content).
- If
[X] Shift operations (logical shift, arithmetic shift), arithmetic right shifts for signed data
Left Shift: x << y
- Throw away extra bits on left
- Fill with 0’s on right
- Right Shift: x >> y
- Logical shift:Fill with 0’s on left 【逻辑补0】
- Arithmetic shift: Replicate most significant bit (MSB) on left 【算数补最高位】
Bash | |
1 2 3 4 |
Integer Representations¶
- [x] Unsigned encoding and signed encoding (two’s complement)
[x] Maximum value, minimum value
Unsigned: \(B2U = \Sigma_{i=0}^{w-1}x_i*2^i\)
- Signed: \(B2U = -x_{w-1}*2^{w-1} + \Sigma_{i=0}^{w-2}x_i*2^i\)
16 | 8 | 4 | 2 | 1 |
1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 |
-16 | 8 | 4 | 2 | 1 |
- U: 16 + 4 + 2 = 22 | ||||
- S: -16 + 4 + 2 = -10 |
Significant Cor:
- 负数的取值范围比正数的大1,默认有符号
- 无符号数的编码:唯一性
- 补码表示:唯一性
- ~ x + 1 == -x
- 正数的补码:与原码相同
- 负数的补码:
- 写出这个负数绝对值对应的正数
- 写出这个正数的补码(即该正数本身)
- 按位求反
- 末位加1
Bash | |
1 2 3 4 |
Bash | |
1 2 |
n位补码表示数的范围: \(-2^{n-1} ≤ N ≤ 2^{n-1}-1\)
- [x] Conversion between signed and unsigned
- [x] Explict convertion, implict convertion
在有/无符号混合运算中,有符号会被 隐式强制转换 为无符号
C++ | |
1 2 3 |
[x] Expanding and Truncating numbers
- 扩展有符号数(符号位扩展):扩展k位,最高位加k个最高位
C++ | |
1 2 3 4 |
C++ | |
1 2 3 4 |
- 截断无符号数:直接丢弃高位,保留低位
- 截断有符号数:直接丢弃高位,保留低位,将结果视为有符号数,再得到相应结果
Weight | Weight | Weight | Weight | Weight | Num |
-16 | 8 | 4 | 2 | 1 | |
0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 2 |
Num | Weight | Weight | Weight | Weight |
-8 | 4 | 2 | 1 | |
2 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
Weight | Weight | Weight | Weight | Weight | Num |
-16 | 8 | 4 | 2 | 1 | |
0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 10 |
Num | Weight | Weight | Weight | Weight |
-8 | 4 | 2 | 1 | |
-6 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
- [x] From long to int
- [x] From int to long
too easy, just ignore it!
Integer Arithmetic¶
- [x] Unsigned/Signed addition (Overflow, underflow)
- [x] Two’s complement negation
[x] Unsigned/Signed multiplication (Overflow)
Operands: w bits
- True Sum: w+1 bits
- Discard Carry: w bits
不管是什么运算,按对应进制计算完,然后转换成2进制,把溢出位截去,就可以得到答案了! 这个答案是一个二进制数,需要根据是Unsigned还是Signed来进行最终求值!
Bash | |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 |
Bash | |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 |
TAdd and UAdd have Identical Bit-Level Behavior
Bash | |
1 2 3 4 5 |
: 丢弃最高位,0补最低位x>>a
: 丢弃最低位,对于无符号数左边补0,对于有符号 数左边补符号位
C Data Type | Typical 32-bit | Typical 64-bit | x86-64 |
char | 1 | 1 | 1 |
short | 2 | 2 | 2 |
int | 4 | 4 | 4 |
long | 4 | 8 | 8 |
float | 4 | 4 | 4 |
double | 8 | 8 | 8 |
pointer | 4 | 8 | 8 |
1 byte = 8 bit
Machine-Level Representation of Programs¶
- 3.1: Out of Scope
- 3.2 Program Encodings
- 3.3 Data Formats
- 3.4 Accessing Information
- Registers, Operand forms
- Data Movement Instructions
- Pushing and Popping Stack Data
- 3.5 Arithmetic and Logical Operations
- Load Effective Address (
) - Others
- Load Effective Address (
- 3.6 Control
- Condition Codes
- Accessing the Condition Codes
- Conditional Control
- Conditional Move
- Loop
- Switch statements
- 3.7 Procedures
- The Run-Time Stack
- Control Transfer
: Push return address to the stackret
: Pop return address from the stack
- Data Transfer (argument, return value)
- Local Storage on the Stack
- Stack frame
- Local Storage in Registers
- Caller saved, callee saved
- Recursive Procedures
- 3.8 Array Allocation and Access
- memory allocation
- Access
- 3.9 Heterogeneous Data Structures
- Structures
- Unions: Out of scope
- Data Alignment
- 3.10 Combining Control and Data in Machine-Level Programs
- Buffer overflow
- Code injection attack
- Return-oriented programming
- Protection
- Buffer overflow
3.11 Floating-Point Code: Out of scope
[X] 3.2 Program Encodings
Data Formats¶
- 字(word)=16位,双字(长字)=32位,四字=64位
- 汇编代码中的后缀表示数据的大小:
- movb(传送字节 move Bite) => 8bit
- movw(传送字 move Word) => 16bit
- movl(传送双字 move Long) => 32bit
- movq(传送四字 move Quad) => 64bit
Accessing Information¶
- [x] Registers, Operand forms
- 字节/16位/32位/64位操作,可以访问最低/最低2个/最低4个/整个 字节
- 针名%rsp用来指明运行时栈的结束位置
- 两个重要的Callee-Saved寄存器:
- 栈顶指针:%rbp
数据为 立即数 / 来自 寄存器 / 来自 内存 结果存到 寄存器/内存 中
- 立即数:是常数,书写方式Dollar+整数,如
- 寄存器:表示寄存器内容,表示任意寄存器a,如\(r_{10}\)
- 内存引用:根据计算的有效地址访问某块内存中是立即数偏移,为基址/变址寄存器(64位),s为比例因子,如
(绝对寻址) /(ra)
(间接寻址) /(a,b,c)
- 数据来源:立即数 / 寄存器 / 内存
- 数据去向:寄存器 / 内存
- [x] Data Movement Instructions
movX a,b:put a into b (sequence matters!)
- S:立即数/在寄存器中/内存中 (src)
- D:寄存器/内存 (dst)
- movl指令D为寄存器时,寄存器高32位 置0
Src 与 Dst 的规范
Src | Dst | Src,Dst | C analog |
Imm | Reg/Mem | movq $0x4,%rax // movq $-147,(%rax) | temp = 0x4 // *p = -147 |
Reg | Reg/Mem | movq %rax,%rdx // movq %rax,(%rdx) | tmp2 = tmp1 // *p = tmp |
Mem | Reg | movq (%rax),%rdx | tmp = *p |
example (data movement)
- xp是第一个参数所以在%rdi,y是第二个参数所以在%rsi,x为返回值 所以在%rax中
- xp实际是内存中的一个地址*xp才是内存中的值,(%rdi)相当于一个指针
Register | Use(s) |
%rdi | Argument x |
%rsi | Argument y |
%rdx | Argument z |
%rax | Return value |
- [x] Pushing and Popping Stack Data
Arithmetic and Logical Operations¶
- [x] Load Effective Address (
leaq: 加载有效地址:类似于C中取地址&
leaq 可以描述简单的算术操作
- [x] Others
Ope A , B: B <- (B Ope A)
- [x] Condition Codes
- [x] Accessing the Condition Codes
- CF:进位标志———最近的操作溢出 (Carry Flag)
- ZF:零标志————最近的操作得出的结果为0 (Zero Flag)
- SF:符号标志———最近的操作得到负数 (Sign Flag)
OF:溢出标志———最近的操作导致补码溢出 (Overflow Flag)
[x] cmp, set, test
[x] Conditional Control
- TEST:根据相与结果设置条件码
- SET: 访问条件码
[x] Conditional Move
PC-相对:目标编码 = 目标指令地址 - 跳转指令后条指令地址
- 第一条目标编码=0x03(第二字节),其下一条指令的地址0x5,相加 得0x8,即第4行跳转目标地址
- 0x03=(3)10 0x5=(5)10 相加得(8)10 => (0x8)16
- 第二条目标编码=0xf8(第二字节),其下一条指令的地址0xd,相加 得0x5,即第3行跳转目标地址
- 0xf8=(-8)10 (0xd)=(13)10 相加得(5)10 => (0x5)16
- 注意正常情况下每行编码相差2
- [x] Loop
for =>转化成while处理
- Switch statements: ......
- [x] The Run-Time Stack
pushq Src
- Fetch operand at Src
- Decrement %rsp by 8
popq Dest
- Read value at address given by %rsp
Increment %rsp by 8
[x] Control Transfer
- [x]
: Push return address to the stack - [x]
: Pop return address from the stack
Procedure call: call label - Push return address on stack - Jump to label
Return address: - Address of the next instruction right after call - Example from disassembly
Procedure return: ret - Pop address from stack - Jump to address
- [x] Data Transfer (argument, return value)
如 void multstore(long x, long y, long *dest) 中 x in %rdi, y in %rsi, dest in %rdx
- Registers: %rdi %rsi %rdx %rcx %r8 %r9
Return value: %rax
[x] Local Storage on the Stack
Only allocate stack space when needed
- content
- Return information
- Local Storage (if needed)
- Temporary Space (if needed)
- 开启函数 => 需要内存时:栈顶指针向下移
关闭函数 => 不需要内存时:栈顶指针向上移
[x] Stack frame
x86-64/Linux Stack Frame
- [x] Local Storage in Registers
- [x] Caller saved, callee saved
When procedure yoo calls who: yoo is the caller && who is the callee
- “Caller Saved” (aka “Call-Clobbered”)
Caller saves temporary values in its frame before the call
%rax - Return value - Also caller-saved - Can be modified by procedure
%rdi, ..., %r9
- Arguments
- Also caller-saved
- Can be modified by procedure
%r10, %r11
- Caller-saved
Can be modified by procedure
“Callee Saved” (aka “Call-Preserved”)
Callee restores them before returning to caller
%rbx, %r12, %r13, %r14
- Callee-saved
- Callee must save & restore
- Callee-saved
- Callee must save & restore
- May be used as frame pointer
- Can mix & match
- Special form of callee save
- Restored to original value upon exit from procedure
其实很简单,只需要记住:%rbx %rbp %rsp 是callee-saved即可
- [x] Recursive Procedures ......
Array Allocation and Access¶
- [x] memory allocation
[x] Access
a = *&a
- A[i] = *(A + i)
- 二维数组 \(D[i][j] = Addr(D)+ Size(Column * i + j)\)
- CSAPP-2015 多重指针定义的理解方式
- (1:07:00)
Some tests
Let's use int *A2[3]
as an example:
- A2 is an array, each element is a "pointer to int (sizeof8)", so sizeof(A2) = 8 x 3
- and
refers to a "pointer", which is sizeof(8) - and
refers to an "int", which is sizeof(4)
Heterogeneous Data Structures¶
- [x] Structures
- [x] Unions: Out of scope
- [x] Data Alignment
We ignore this part!
Combining Control and Data in Machine-Level Programs¶
- [x] Buffer overflow
[x] Code injection attack
Avoid Overflow Vulnerabilities in Code
- System-Level Protections Can Help
- Randomized stack offsets
- Non-executable memory
Stack Canaries Can Help
- Place special value (“canary”) on stack just beyond buffer
[x] Return-oriented programming
Use existing code
- String together fragments to achieve overall desired outcome
ret: pop address from stack and jump to that address
[x] Protection
The Memory Hierarchy¶
- 6.1 Storage Technologies
- Disk Storage, Solid State Disks, Storage Technology Trends: Out of scope
- 6.2 Locality
- Temporal locality, spatial locality
- 6.3 The Memory Hierarchy
- 6.4 Cache Memories
- Cache organization
- The process of cache read
- Cache miss
- Cache hit
- Cache eviction
- Line Replacement on Misses
- Cache Associativity
- Cache write
- Write hit
- write through, write back
- Write miss
- write allocate, write non-allocate
- Write hit
- 6.5 Writing Cache-Friendly Code
- 6.6 Putting It Together: The Impact of Caches on Program Performance
- The Memory Mountain: Out-of-scope
- Rearranging Loops to Increase Spatial Locality
Storage Technologies¶
SRAM (Static RAM)
- Holds state indefinitely,无限期地保持状态
DRAM (Dynamic RAM)
- Must refresh state periodically,周期性刷新
[x] Disk Storage, Solid State Disks, Storage Technology Trends: Out of scope
- [x] Temporal locality, spatial locality
Principle of Locality:
Many Programs tend to use data and instructions with addresses near or equal to those they have used recently.
Temporal locality (时间局部性):
Recently referenced items are likely to be referenced again in the near future
Spatial Locality (空间局部性):
Items with nearby addresses tend to be referenced close together in time
The Memory Hierarchy¶
Cache: A smaller, faster storage device that acts as a staging area for a subset of the data in a larger, slower device.
For each k, the faster, smaller device at level k serves as a cache for the larger, slower device at level k+1.
Why do memory hierarchies work?
Because of locality: programs tend to access the data at level k more often than they access the data at level k+1.
Thus, the storage at level k+1 can be slower, and thus larger and cheaper per bit.
Basic Design
Big Idea (Ideal): The memory hierarchy creates a large pool
of storage that costs as much as the cheap storage near the bottom, but that serves data to programs at the rate of the fast storage near the top.
Cache Memories¶
- [x] Cache miss
- [x] Cache hit
[x] Cache eviction
- Data in block b is needed
- Block b is in cache -> Hit
- Miss
- Data in block b is needed
- Block b is not in cache -> Miss
- Block b is fetched from memory
When Miss happening, who is the victim in cache?
- Placement policy: determines where b goes
Replacement policy: determines which block gets evicted (victim)
[x] 3 Types of Cache Misses
Cold (compulsory) miss
- Cold misses occur because the cache starts empty and this is the first reference to the block.
- Capacity miss
- Occurs when the set of active cache blocks (working set) is larger than the cache.
Conflict miss
- Conflict misses occur when the level k cache is large enough, but multiple data objects all map to the same level k block.
[x] Cache organization
高速缓存结构组成:\(tuple(S_{group}, E_{line}, B_{block}, m_{bit})\)
- 高速缓存一共S个组,每组有E行,每行里有B个块 + 1个有效位 + 1个标记位
- 标记位是每一“块”cache的ID
- 高速缓存大小:S x E x B
直接映射高速缓存 (E==1,S>1的特殊情形)
- [x] The process of cache read
高速缓存从w的地址中间抽取出s个 组索引位
- Valid Bit 必须是1
- 被选中的行 必须保证 行Tag 匹配 地址中的标记位
- 优先替换空行
- 没有空行的时候替换最后一次访问时间最久远的那一行(最近最少 使用策略)
或者是替换在过去某个时间窗口内引用次数最少的那一行(最不常 使用策略)
[x] Line Replacement on Misses
- 没有空行的时候替换最后一次访问时间最久远的那一行(最近最少 使用策略)
或者是替换在过去某个时间窗口内引用次数最少的那一行(最不常 使用策略)
[x] Cache Associativity
S > 1 && E = 1
- Trait:有S个组,每组仅1行,其余不变
- Spacial:组选择跟之前一样,但是选定组后,行匹配只有一个“可选项”
S = 1 && E > 1
- Trait:很显然,整个高速缓存只有1个组,组选择只有一个“可选项”
- 行匹配和字选择跟之前一样
[x] Cache write
[x] Write hit
[x] write through, write back
- (write immediately to memory)
Write-back (recite technique: back-背-缓-> until... )
- (defer write to memory until replacement of line)
[x] Write miss
What to do on a write-miss?
- Write-allocate (load into cache, update line in cache)
Write-allocate (writes straight to memory, does not load into cache)
[x] write allocate, write non-allocate
- 在写入未命中时,将数据加载到缓存中,然后在缓存中执行写操作
- 如果预计会对相同数据进行多次写入,这是有利的
- 不写入分配(No-write-allocate):对应于write-through
- 在写入未命中时,直接将数据写入内存,而不更新缓存
- 如果对相同数据的写入不频繁,避免了缓存污染,并节省了将数据加载到缓存中的开销
Writing Cache-Friendly Code¶
- Make the common case go fast
- Focus on the inner loops of the core functions
- Minimize the misses in the inner loops
- Repeated references to variables are good (temporal locality)
- Stride-1 reference patterns are good (spatial locality)
Putting It Together: The Impact of Caches on Program Performance¶
[x] The Memory Mountain: Out-of-scope
[x] Rearranging Loops to Increase Spatial Locality