
Lecture 13 Ray: A universal framework for distributed computing



  • Apps increasingly incorporate AI
  • AI demands exploding
    • Not only compute, but memory
  • The end of Moore's Law
  • Specialized models not enough
    • Growing gap between memory demand and supply

No way out but to distribute these workloads


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Challenge: need to scale every stage

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The situation is that: currently each stage has numerous support system, but different stages are not designed with compatibility.

So the challenge is:

  • Hard to develop
  • Hard to deploy
  • Hard to manage
  • Slow as data between different stages is transferred via dist. storage systems
  • "End to end" failure semantics (API level)
  • Reliability semantics (API level)

In this scenario, we offer Ray as a universal framework for distributed computing.


One system to support all these workloads

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Minimalist API

Here we show the core part of Ray API. In fact, they can cover 95% of your needs in regular development.

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FAST Programming Model

The core components of Ray can be summarized as:

  • Futures: reference to objects (possible not created yet)
  • Actors: remote objects (class instance)
  • Shared in-memory object store: ...
  • Tasks: remote functions


Common Python Instance

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Time consuming is 2s.

In Ray

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Time consuming is 1s.

Similar to Python, easy to start

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Distributed object store in Ray

In Ray, "pass-by-reference" is utilized instead of "pass-by-value".

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Comparison: Traditional RPC

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Ray Ecosystem

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Building 2nd generation ML infra/platform


  • 1st generation built by stitching a bunch of system and tools → difficult to develop, maintain, evolve
  • Ray (promise to) address these limitations

Original Design

Ray Architecture

  • In-memory obj. store -> immutable
  • Distributed scheduler
  • Central control store (GCS)

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GCS is used to store some metadata (tables), but not the data itself.

Eg. data location / reference relationship...


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  • Decentralized scheduler
  • Shared GCS
  • Any worker can submit tasks
    • Driver not a bottleneck

Fault Tolerance

Lineage based: Replay computation to reconstruct lost objects.

(1) Scenario

To be specific, if there is a task which contains subtask 1, 2, 3, 4.

The process is that task 1 is assigned to 1st worker, task 2 is assigned to 2nd worker, task 3 is assigned to 3rd worker, task 4 is assigned to 4th worker.

These workers are working "simultaneously".

If 2 fails, what should we do? (3 and 4 are futures of 2)

(2) How to solve

In fact, when we notice this task, we will automatically tell GCS the relationship, which is 1 -> 2, 2 -> 3, 3 -> 4.

When 2 fails, we can just are the direct boss of 2, which is 3.

  1. We speak to 3: "your son 2 is dead, so you need to "save" him."
  2. 3 says: "copy! I will save him now."
  3. 3 saves 2: "2, you are dead, please redo!"
  4. 2 redo the task.
  5. We are good now.


Based on the example above, we can understand "who should be responsible for who" relationship.

Actually, Ray gives this relationship a analogy, "Ownership".

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Ephemeral resources

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  1. Distributed (AI) apps are becoming the norm
  2. Building distributed apps is extremely hard
  3. Ray universal framework that dramatically simplify distributed computing