
Consensus-Free Convergence

Consensus-Free Convergence 无共识融合

dSDN combines well-known techniques (flooding, source routing, TE, etc.) into a novel synthesis. As a result, convergence in dSDN plays out differently vs. both cSDN and traditional protocol-based networks. The process by which a network converges after an event — e.g., failure, change in link capacity or traffic demand — impacts its performance and hence, as a precursor to our evaluation in §5, we briefly review cSDN and dSDN's convergence behaviors.


A network's convergence time, \(T_{conv}\), consists of three components that manifest(表现) differently in cSDN vs. dSDN:

网络的收敛时间 \(T_{conv}\) 包含三个在 cSDN 和 dSDN 中表现不同的组成部分:

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(1) Propagation Time (\(T_{prop}\)) is the time from when an event occurs to when the TE controller in question learns about the event. In cSDN, link state traverses the cSDN control infrastructure, consisting of both hardware (CPN, servers) and software (operating system components, and services such as topology discovery, etc.), up to a single centralized controller over a time period \(T_{prop}\). In dSDN, NSUs traverse the data plane, with a different \(T_{prop}(i)\) for when each router \(R_i\) learns of the changed state.

(1) 传播时间 (\(T_{prop}\)) 是指从事件发生到相关TE控制器得知事件所需的时间。在cSDN中,链路状态通过cSDN控制基础设施(包括硬件如CPN、服务器,以及操作系统组件和拓扑发现等服务)传递到一个集中控制器,所需时间为\(T_{prop}\)。在dSDN中,NSU在数据平面上传递,每个路由器\(R_i\)了解状态变化的时间为不同的\(T_{prop}(i)\)

(2) Computation Time (\(T_{comp}\)) is the time it takes a controller to run a TE computation with the new event information and generate updated paths. In cSDN, a single central controller runs this computation over time \(T_{comp}\). In dSDN, each router runs the TE computation over time \(T_{comp}(i)\) per router \(R_i\), with a start time dependent on \(T_{prop}(i)\). We generally expect similar \(T_{comp}(i)\) across routers.

(2) 计算时间 (\(T_{comp}\)) 是控制器使用新事件信息运行TE计算并生成更新路径所需的时间。在cSDN中,单个中央控制器在时间\(T_{comp}\)内运行此计算。在dSDN中,每个路由器\(R_i\)耗时\(T_{comp}(i)\)运行TE计算,其开始时间取决于\(T_{prop}(i)\)。我们通常预计各路由器的\(T_{comp}(i)\)相似。

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(3) Programming Time (\(T_{prog}\)) is the time to install computed paths at all routers. cSDN implementations typically implement this by programming forwarding rules at each router [11, 25, 27], which requires care in programming order as naively one can end up with loops or dead ends when some routers in the path are updated while others are not. The commonly deployed solution for this is a two-phase programming process to properly make-before-break paths. All paths are programmed in parallel. For each path of length \(n\), first (a) all \(n - 1\) transit routers for the path are programmed in parallel with their next hop. As they finish programming, they (b) send acknowledgements back to the cSDN server. Upon receiving all \(n - 1\) acknowledgements, (c) the cSDN server sends a command to enable the new path and disable the old one at the head-end router. As mentioned in §2.2, each step in this process often requires going through a hierarchy of layers . By contrast, in dSDN, programming is an entirely local process as the controller locally programs only the paths it originates, and \(T_{prog}(i)\) is when all paths originating from router \(R_i\) are established.

(3) 编程时间 (\(T_{prog}\)) 是在所有路由器上安装计算路径的时间。cSDN的实现通常通过在每个路由器上编程转发规则来实现这一点,这需要注意编程顺序,因为如果路径中的某些路由器更新而其他路由器未更新,可能会导致环路或死胡同。常用的解决方案是采用两阶段编程过程来正确地实现“先建立后拆除”路径。所有路径并行编程。

对于每个长度为\(n\)的路径,首先(a)并行编程路径的所有\(n - 1\)个中转路由器及其下一跳。当它们完成编程时,(b)向cSDN服务器发送确认。收到所有\(n - 1\)个确认后,(c)cSDN服务器发送命令以在源路由器启用新路径并禁用旧路径。如第2.2节所述,此过程中的每一步通常需要通过层次结构。相比之下,在dSDN中,编程是一个完全本地的过程,因为控制器仅本地编程它发起的路径,而\(T_{prog}(i)\)是指从路由器\(R_i\)发起的所有路径建立的时间。

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We see the combined effect in Figure 7, which shows the sequence of messages sent and processed for a single path during convergence after a network event in cSDN vs. dSDN. The full view of convergence would show the controller programming all paths in cSDN, and every router in dSDN receiving the event notification and recomputing and reprogramming the paths it originates accordingly.


  1. cSDN中的控制器编程所有路径
  2. dSDN中的每个路由器接收事件通知并相应地重新计算和重新编程其发起的路径。

Some final observations: first, since we run the same TE algorithm in both cSDN and dSDN, their routes after convergence are identical. Second, both cSDN and dSDN experience incremental convergence across paths; that is, neither cSDN nor dSDN enjoy simultaneous convergence. Rather, in both, different routers learn their new paths at different times. The reason for this “drift” is different for cSDN vs dSDN; in cSDN, it is due to distributed programming, as the controller programs all paths in parallel. In dSDN, it is because headends (and hence the paths they compute) converge independently. In this sense, dSDN’s architecture does not introduce a fundamentally different convergence behavior.



cSDN and dSDN
  1. Their routes after convergence are identical, since we run the same TE algorithm
  2. Neither cSDN nor dSDN enjoy simultaneous convergence. Different routers learn their new paths at different times


  • cSDN:由于分布式编程,控制器需要并行编程所有路径。这意味着不同的路径可能在不同时间完成更新。
  • dSDN:因为每个源端(head-end)独立收敛,导致路径的计算和更新也独立进行。

