Related Work¶
Section 3.2 has discussed most existing efforts relevant to the method of building ENEs. In this section we briefly introduce other ISTN works related to our study in this paper.
The network community has many recent efforts studying on the topology design [40, 58], routing [47, 52, 56, 57, 83], transport-layer congestion control [60,64], new satellite applications [62] and security issues [51] for emerging ISTNs. For instance, Motif [40] is a recent topology design for LSNs, in which each satellite is dynamically connected to other visible satellites to achieve low latency under various traffic configurations. Works in [40,56,57] suggest the use of pre-calculated shortest-path-based routing and traffic engineering schemes for ISTNs. On one hand, these pioneering studies indeed outline the promising network potential of futuristic ISTNs. On the other hand, the above new thoughts are evaluated by simulations with a high-level abstraction. STARRY NET can stimulate new research and advance existing ISTN works by evaluating them in a more realistic ENE to obtain practical insights for further optimizations.
The rapid evolution of ISTNs also attracted the attention of the system community. Specifically, orbital edge computing (OEC) [43, 44, 66] is a new computation architecture which leverages computational satellites to pre-process earth observation (EO) data, and save the data download overhead. Studies in [49,50] explored the feasibility of applying deep neural networks to process on-board satellite data. Since STARRY NET creates real system runtime and networking stack in an experimental ISTN environment, it can also help to evaluate system-level effects of these new algorithms, implementations and programming models designed for ISTNs.
- 拓扑设计:Motif提出动态可见卫星连接架构以优化时延
- 路由机制:文献[40,56,57]探索基于预计算最短路径的路由与流量工程方案
- 传输层优化:针对拥塞控制[60,64]提出新型协议设计
- 安全机制:研究星地网络的安全威胁与防护策略
- 新型应用:开发适配空间环境的网络服务
- 轨道边缘计算(OEC) [43,44,66]:通过在轨预处理地球观测数据降低下行带宽消耗
- 星载智能计算 :验证深度神经网络在卫星平台的部署可行性[49,50]
现有研究多基于高层抽象仿真进行评估,STARRY NET通过构建高保真实验环境,可为这些创新方案提供更贴近实际运行条件的验证平台,揭示系统级效应(如协议栈开销、资源竞争等),推动理论方法向工程实践转化。
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