

We discuss three main areas closely related to our work.

Low-latency interactive communication.

Both the multimedia and network community have a long history concentrating on low-latency multimedia systems, regarding architecture, codecs and transport protocols [23], [32], [41]. Those prior works on low-latency codecs and protocols complement our work. VIA [32] is an architecture that uses selected cloud-based relays to build a managed overlay network and reduce the latency for Internet telephony. The fundamental difference between SPACE RTC and other previous cloud-based RTC architecture and optimizations is that SPACE RTC cooperatively and judiciously exploits clouds and satellites to form forwarding paths, and can further exploit close-to-optimal paths enabled by satellite-cloud integration to reduce the communication latency, especially for long-distance, wide-area RTC sessions.

有很多团队尝试过做“云服务器”级别的RTC优化,但是SpaceRTC首次提出“将 陆地云 和 卫星云 合体”进行优化


  1. 更多的选择 -> 更多的路径转发选项
  2. 物理层面的速度更快了

Emerging satellite systems and networks.

A number of studies on “NewSpace” satellite systems [17], [22] and networks [21], [24], [26], [27], [38]–[40], [46], [48] have emerged recently, thanks to the technical breakthroughs in the space industry. The Orbital Edge Computing (OEC) [22] was proposed to support cloud/edge-like computing tasks in orbit. Authors in [24], [26], [27] studied the routing scheme in Starlink constellation. All the above studies confirm the promise of executing complex computation and networking tasks in future constellations, and complement our architectural study that exploits satellites to assist cloud platforms and enhance RTC performance globally.

在轨边缘计算 (Orbit Edge Computing, OEC) 将是很好的前景!

Constellation analysis methodologies.

There are a number of simulation or analysis tools for satellite constellations, such as SNS3 [43], STK [13], Hypatia [35] and StarPerf [37]. These existing tools guide us to simulate satellite movement and calibrate the underlying network performance (e.g., visibility and RTT) of mega-constellations. More than numeric simulation and analysis, our experimental testbed supports emulation for realistic network stack (TCP/IP) as well as the reproduction of RTC traffic in real applications (i.e., WebRTC).

有很多现行的模拟器,比如 SNS3 / STK / Hypatia / StarPerf -> 数值模拟

SpaceRTC -> 除了上述的数值模拟,还可以做很多,比如“仿真”真实的网络协议栈