Growing expertise with clusters of commodity PCs have enabled a number of institutions to harness petaflops of computation power and petabytes of storage in a cost-efficient manner. Clusters consisting of tens of thousands of PCs are not unheard of in the largest institutions and thousand-node clusters are increasingly common in universities, research labs, and companies. Important applications classes include scientific computing, financial analysis, data analysis and warehousing, and large-scale network services.
Today, the principle bottleneck in large-scale clusters is often inter-node communication bandwidth. Many applications must exchange information with remote nodes to proceed with their local computation. For example, MapReduce [12] must perform significant data shuffling to transport the output of its map phase before proceeding with its reduce phase. Applications running on cluster-based file systems [18, 28, 13, 26] often require remote-node access before proceeding with their I/O operations. A query to a web search engine often requires parallel communication with every node in the cluster hosting the inverted index to return the most relevant results [7]. Even between logically distinct clusters, there are often significant communication requirements, e.g., when updating the inverted index for individual clusters performing search from the site responsible for building the index. Internet services increasingly employ service oriented architectures [13], where the retrieval of a single web page can require coordination and communication with literally hundreds of individual sub-services running on remote nodes. Finally, the significant communication requirements of parallel scientific applications are well known [27, 8].
如今,大规模集群中的主要瓶颈往往是节点间的通信带宽。许多应用程序必须与远程节点交换信息,才能继续其本地计算。例如,MapReduce [12] 在进入其reduce阶段之前,必须执行大量的数据交换,以传输其map阶段的输出。运行在基于集群的文件系统上的应用程序 [18, 28, 13, 26] 通常需要在执行I/O操作之前访问远程节点。对网页搜索引擎的查询通常需要与集群中托管倒排索引的每个节点并行通信,以返回最相关的结果 [7]。即使在逻辑上独立的集群之间,也往往存在大量的通信需求,例如,当更新执行搜索的单个集群的倒排索引时,需要与负责构建索引的网站进行通信。互联网服务越来越多地采用面向服务的架构 [13],其中单个网页的检索可能需要与运行在远程节点上的数百个独立子服务进行协调和通信。最后,并行科学应用的显著通信需求也众所周知 [27, 8]。
There are two high-level choices for building the communication fabric for large-scale clusters. One option leverages specialized hardware and communication protocols, such as InfiniBand [2] or Myrinet [6]. While these solutions can scale to clusters of thousands of nodes with high bandwidth, they do not leverage commodity parts (and are hence more expensive) and are not natively compatible with TCP/IP applications. The second choice leverages commodity Ethernet switches and routers to interconnect cluster machines. This approach supports a familiar management infrastructure along with unmodified applications, operating systems, and hardware. Unfortunately, aggregate cluster bandwidth scales poorly with cluster size, and achieving the highest levels of bandwidth incurs non-linear cost increases with cluster size.
构建大规模集群通信网络有两种高层次的选择。一种选择是利用专用硬件和通信协议,如InfiniBand [2] 或 Myrinet [6]。虽然这些解决方案能够扩展到拥有数千个节点的高带宽集群,但它们不利用商用部件(因此更昂贵),并且与TCP/IP应用程序不原生兼容。另一种选择是利用商用以太网交换机和路由器来互连集群机器。这种方法支持熟悉的管理基础设施,并且无需修改应用程序、操作系统和硬件。然而,集群的总带宽随着集群规模的扩大而表现不佳,且要实现最高水平的带宽,成本随着集群规模的增加而非线性地增长。
For compatibility and cost reasons, most cluster communication systems follow the second approach. However, communication bandwidth in large clusters may become oversubscribed by a significant factor depending on the communication patterns. That is, two nodes connected to the same physical switch may be able to communicate at full bandwidth (e.g., 1Gbps) but moving between switches, potentially across multiple levels in a hierarchy, may limit available bandwidth severely. Addressing these bottlenecks requires non-commodity solutions, e.g., large 10Gbps switches and routers. Further, typical single path routing along trees of interconnected switches means that overall cluster bandwidth is limited by the bandwidth available at the root of the communication hierarchy. Even as we are at a transition point where 10Gbps technology is becoming cost-competitive, the largest 10Gbps switches still incur significant cost and still limit overall available bandwidth for the largest clusters.
In this context, the goal of this paper is to design a data center communication architecture that meets the following goals:
Scalable interconnection bandwidth: it should be possible for an arbitrary(随意的) host in the data center to communicate with any other host in the network at the full bandwidth of its local network interface.
Economies of scale: just as commodity personal computers became the basis for large-scale computing environments, we hope to leverage the same economies of scale to make cheap off-the-shelf Ethernet switches the basis for largescale data center networks.
Backward compatibility: the entire system should be backward compatible with hosts running Ethernet and IP. That is, existing data centers, which almost universally leverage commodity Ethernet and run IP, should be able to take advantage of the new interconnect architecture with no modifications.
We show that by interconnecting commodity switches in a fattree architecture, we can achieve the full bisection bandwidth of clusters consisting of tens of thousands of nodes. Specifically, one instance of our architecture employs 48-port Ethernet switches capable of providing full bandwidth to up 27,648 hosts. By leveraging strictly commodity switches, we achieve lower cost than existing solutions while simultaneously delivering more bandwidth. Our solution requires no changes to end hosts, is fully TCP/IP compatible, and imposes only moderate modifications to the forwarding functions of the switches themselves. We also expect that our approach will be the only way to deliver full bandwidth for large clusters once 10 GigE switches become commodity at the edge, given the current lack of any higher-speed Ethernet alternatives (at any cost). Even when higher-speed Ethernet solutions become available, they will initially have small port densities at significant cost.
我们展示了通过在Fat-Tree架构中互联商用交换机,可以实现由数万个节点组成的集群的全双向带宽。具体而言,我们的架构实例之一采用了48端口以太网交换机,能够为多达27,648台主机提供全带宽支持。通过利用严格意义上的商用交换机,我们在降低成本的同时提供了比现有解决方案更多的带宽。我们的解决方案无需对终端主机进行任何更改,完全兼容TCP/IP,并且仅对交换机自身的转发功能进行适度修改。我们还预计,一旦10 GigE交换机在网络边缘成为商用品,由于当前没有任何更高速的以太网替代方案(无论成本如何),我们的方法将成为为大规模集群提供全带宽的唯一途径。即使当更高速的以太网解决方案出现时,它们初期的端口密度也会较小,且成本显著。