
Lecture 6 OpenFlow

OpenFlow = switch model + protocol

  • OpenFlow defines how switch forwards packets and how switches interact with the controller
  • SDN Controller <=> OpenFlow Protocol <=> Switch Model
  • reference

OpenFlow Date Plane

Traditional Switch Model

1) 传统网络设备:

input port -> MAC地址学习表 -> MAC转发表 -> IP查找表 -> ACL表 -> 端口分组表 -> output port

2) ACL表

  • ACL stands for Access Control List.
  • It's a mechanism in computer security that defines who is allowed to access a particular resource or perform a certain action.
  • ACLs are commonly used in computer networks, file systems, and various other applications where controlling access to resources is important for security purposes.

OpenFlow Switch Model

  • input port
  • -> Flow Table 0 : Flow Entry 0, ......
  • -> Flow Table 1 : , ......
  • -> Flow Table 2 : Flow Entry 0, ......
  • -> output port

Flow Table Pipeline

  • 每经过一个流表,就在操作集中增添一个action,数据部分对应读取
  • 最后有一个“执行操作集”,执行初始“包输入”的全部actions

Flow Table Processing


  • 清空Action Set{}
  • 从Table 0开始

匹配 Table i 的流表项?

  • Yes
    • 更新流表项counter
    • 执行流表项的指令
      • 更新 Action Set{}
      • 更新 Packet / Match Set Domain
      • 更新元数据
    • 跳转到 Table i
      • Yes:重新匹配 Table i 流表项,重新进入上述步骤
      • No:执行Action Set
  • No
    • 存在Table-Miss流表项?(负责兜底)
      • Yes: 回到上一个yes
      • No: 丢弃数据包

OpenFlow Entry: Match Fields

Structure of "message" :

  • Match Fields:匹配域
  • Priority:优先级
  • Counters:计数器
  • Instructions:指令
  • Timeouts:失效时间
  • Cookie
  • Flags

Match Fields

  • Ingress Port (layer2): not in packet "message"
  • Meta Data:
    • 是描述数据的数据,是关于数据的属性和特征的信息,而不是数据本身
    • 元数据可以提供有关数据的各种信息,例如其类型、格式、大小、创建时间、修改时间、所有者......
  • Ethernet
    • src
    • dst
    • type
  • (VLAN)
  • (MPLS)
    • 多协议标签交换 (Multiprotocol Label Switching). MPLS是一种 基于标签的转发 技术,用于提高数据包在网络中的转发效率和灵活性
    • MPLS通过 为数据包添加一个标签(Label)来识别和转发数据 ,而不是仅仅依赖于目的地址。这个标签在网络中的路由器上被用来确定数据包的转发路径,从而加快了数据包的传输速度和网络的整体性能。与传统的IP路由相比,MPLS提供了更快速、更可靠的数据传输。
    • MPLS的 主要优势之一是它可以创建虚拟专用网络 (VPN),使得 不同的用户或组织可以共享相同的物理网络基础设施 ,同时保持彼此的数据传输隔离和安全性。
  • IP
    • src
    • dst
    • proto.
    • ToS:Type of Service
  • TCP / UDP / ICMP
    • src port / icmp type
    • dp port / icmp code

OpenFlow Entry: Instructions

  • Instructions -> Action
  • Instruction 是对Action的操作

Instructions Contains

  • Apply-Actions(执行)
  • Write-Actions(写)
  • Clear-Actions(清除)
  • Goto Table(跳转)

Process in Details

must support description
Goto-Table => next table id 指示processing pipeline中的下一个table,其中table-id 必须大于当前的table-id,即向后跳转,最后一个table不能包含该Instruction
Write-Actions => actions 把指定的actions添加到当前的action set,如果当前set中 存在系统类型的action,就重写并添加
Clear-Action 立即清除action set中的所有actions
must support description
Output => port_no 这种action转发packet到指定openflow端口,OFS必须支持转发到物理端口,switch定义的logical端口和required 保留端口
Drop 没有明确的action时,Drop
Group group_id 通过指定的group处理packet,精确地解释跟group type 有关

Action Set

Actions 顺序执行:

Why Instructions and Actions?

  • OpenFlow 1.0 has only a single flow table
    • All wildcard entries have a priority associated with them
  • Exposing multiple tables has many advantages
    • Better Flexibility: a lot of software has multiple tables internally (L2/L3)
    • Smaller Table: forcing orthogonal processing (MAC, routing, ACL) into a single table creates huge ruleset due to cross product of rules
  • OpenFlow 1.1 introduces a more flexible pipeline with multiple tables
    • packets are processed through the pipeline
    • as a packet goes through the pipeline, it's associated with an action set
    • Actions which were directly attached to flows in previous versions are now encapsulated(解封装) in instructions
    • Instructions may apply those actions between tables or accumulate them in the packet action set

Port Model

port有些并不是真实的物理端口,而是逻辑端口(controller port / flooding port)

must support description
All 描述通用转发模型中能 转发某个指定数据包的所有端口 ,只能用作输出端口。在这种情况下,这个数据包会 被复制然后发送给所有的标准端口 ,当然不包括数据包的输入端口和配置为OFPPC_NO_FWD的端口
CONTROLLER 描述控制器的控制通道, 可用作输入/输出端口:当用在输出端口,将数据包 封装在 packet-in消息 中,按照协议规定的方式发送出去;当用在输入端口,标识一个 来自控制器的数据包
TABLE 描述通用转发模型处理流水线的起始位置,只有在packet-out消息操作列表的output操作中才有效,将数据包提交给流水线的第一个flow table来处理
IN_PORT 描述数据包的输入端口,只能用作输出端口,发送数据包到自己的输入端口
ANY 当OpenFlow命令没有指定端口时使用的类型,不能用作输入端口和输出端口
optional support description
LOCAL 描述通用转发模型 本地的网络栈和管理栈 , 可用作输入/输出端口。 使得远端设备通过 OpenFlow网络本身与转发模型交互,使用其网络服务,而不是通过一个独立的控制网络。 采用一些默认流选项可以实现网内控制器链接,不需要独立的控制器通道。
NORMAL 描述 传统的非OpenFlow转发处理流水线 ,只能用作输出端口,使用传统流水线处理数据包。当转发模型不支持从OpenFlow流水线到传统处理流水线的转发时,必须指定不支持这种操作
FLOOD 描述传统处理 流水线中的泛洪操作 ,只能用作输出端口,通常发送数据包给所有的标准端口, 不包括输入端口和OFPPS_BLOCKED状态的端口。转发模型需要用数据包VLAN ID选择向那些端口执行flood操作

OpenFlow Entry: Priority

Priority: 0~65535, larger values indicate higher priority


  • Every flow table must support a table-miss flow entry to process table misses
    • wildcards all match fields (all fields omitted) and has the lowest priority
  • The table-miss flow entry behaves in most ways like any other flow entry
    • it doesn't exist by default in a flow table
    • the controller may add it or remove it by protocol at any time
    • if the table-miss flow entry doesn't exist, by default packets unmatched by flow entries are dropped (discarded)
      • review: OVS 指令

OpenFlow Entry: Timeout

  • hard timeout ( default set to 0 )
    • 人为硬性规定的删除时间
  • soft timeout ( default set to 1min )
    • 如果一个表空闲的时间达到阈值,则删除

the flow entry will timeout after idle_timeout seconds with no traffic, or hard_timeout seconds, whichever comes first

OpenFlow Entry: Counter

Per Flow Entry (针对这个流表而言)

  • Received Packets
  • Received Bytes
  • Duration (s, ns)

OpenFlow Switches in Real World

Hardware-based Switch

  • Commercial hardware switches with OpenFlow capability
    • Network abstraction is realized by firmware upgrading (固件升级)
  • Show high processing speed
  • Have space limitation on saving the flow table entries
  • Not easy to upgrade
    • Most switches only support OpenFlow up to version 1.0

Software-based Switch

  • OpenFlow enabled software switch (runs on x86 commodity computer)
  • Performance is relatively low
  • Store large amount of flow entries without bound
  • Under active development, support most recent OpenFlow spec

Software-based OpenFlow Switches

OpenFlow Software Switch

  • An OpenFlow compatible user-space software switch implementation
  • original code is based on the Stanford 1.0 reference switch
  • The implementation is feature-complete, and passes the available oftest 1.1 test case
  • CPqD version supports OpenFlow up to v1.3

Open vSwitch (OVS)


  • A virtual switch
  • User-Space: configuration, control
  • Kernel-Space: datapath (including in main Linux Kernel from v3.3)

Widely Used

  • Most popular OpenStack networking backend
  • Default network stack in XenServer
  • Thousands of subscribers to OVS mailing lists


Both kernel and user space - Client’s Computer inside part - The part connecting with the controller (OVS) - bridge - Connecting with the physical devices


  • However, there are some problems:
  • The fact is that: Classification is expensive on general-purpose CPUs
  • So, what if there are 100+ hash lookups per packet for tuple space search?
  • We propose the "OVS Cache" Architecture !

We ignore the Architecture of OvS Cache here !

  • Microflow Cache
    • Speed up the Microflow Cache
    • Naive Approach to Populating Cache
    • Lazy Approach to Populating Cache
  • “Megaflow” Cache
  • Dual Caches

OpenFlow Session Setup

OpenFlow Messages

消息类型 消息例子 描述
Controller to Switch - FlowMod / - Packet out / - Switch Configuration / - Switch Features 添加、修改、删除流表项 / 将数据包发送给指定的交换机端口 / 配置交换机 / 查询交换机的功能和统计
Asynchronous (异步) - Packet in / Flow Removed / Port Status 没有匹配交换机的任意流表项,通知控制器 / 流表项删除,通知控制器 / 端口状态改变,通知控制器
Symmetric(对称) - Hello / - Echo / - Experimenter 控制器和交换机建立连接时使用 / 用来确定交换机与控制器的连接是否活跃 / 用来消息拓展

OF Switch & OF Controller

  • 建立连接
    • TCP 三次握手
    • OFPT_HELLO(版本协商)
  • OFS功能查询
    • OFPT_FEATURES_Request

Hello Message

  • ACK
  • ACK

Switch Features Messages


Switch Config Message


Packet-in Messages

情景:A packet is coming in, and the Switch asks controller how to react !

  • OFPT_PACKET_IN 请求控制器
    • buffer_id:当有一个不知道发到哪里的包时,先缓存起来

Packet-out Messages

  • OFPT_PACKET_OUT 命令交换机发送数据包
    • buffer_id:buffered packet to apply to
    • action[]:装有action,以及对应端口

PS: 这里的 in / out 都是相对于Switch而言的!

FlowMod Messages

  • OFPT_FLOW_MOD 动态配置流表

OpenFlow eXtensible Match (OXM)

  • OXM = compact TLV (type-length-value) format